Update! New Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work Part 1 & 2 now available.

Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridgeshire School Sports Partnerships are delighted to announce their brand new Scheme of Work for teaching Physical Education, for teachers, by teachers. This comprehensive resource provides all that your school needs to deliver a high quality PE curriculum.
Part One features comprehensive lesson by lesson plans, support material and guidance for Dance, Games and Gymnastics, laid out year by year, for Reception through to year 6. Part Two contains more Dance, Games and Gymnastics as well as Athletics, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities and Swimming. The Dance music has been specially written and is supplied on a cd-rom.
To view some sample pages please visit: pe.learntogether.org.uk. There is a separate publication containing the relevant year groups for Infant and Junior Schools. Primary Schools can make a substantial saving by buying part 1 and 2 together.
To order please download the Cambs Scheme of Work Flyer, if you have already placed an order then part 2 should be with you shortly.