November, 2014

Meridian Change 4 Life Club
The change 4 Life club at Meridian Primary school is run on a Tuesday morning from 8am to 8:45am. The club has targeted [...]Read more

Young coaches selected for National Talent Camp!
Four local youngsters have recently found out they have been selected to take part in the Youth Sport Trust National [...]Read more

New School Swimming Charter Launched
You may have seen on the TV and in national press coverage recently that primary schools in England are being encouraged [...]Read more

Coton Primary School qualify for finals with 100% record!
Coton Primary School claimed their place in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Sainsbury’s School Games Spring Finals [...]Read more

Disabled athletes from South Cambs star for Cambridgeshire at first regional Panathlon
A combined team of disabled children from Granta School and Comberton Village College represented Cambridgeshire at the [...]Read more