Students take on new sporting challenges

The Partnerships annual Adapted Multi Sport Competition for secondary school pupils took place on Thursday 8th March with pupils from across the Cambridge & South Cambs School Sports Partnerships taking part.
Over 60 youngsters with additional needs, which could be physical, learning, sensory, or a combination of these took part in the event which was hosted at Impington Village College. Sports leaders from the college helped to run the activities and score the matches which included teams from Swavesey, Melbourn, Gretton, Comberton, Impington, Granta and Cambourne schools.
The morning was full of energy and activity as pupils competed in pairs in four different sports: Polybat, Boccia, Table Cricket and New Age Kurling. In each sport youngsters competed in matches against pairs from other schools with their scores from each event added together to give each pair an overall total score.
The winning pair on the day were Kit Gowar-Thomas & Leanne Register from Impington Village College and in joint second place were Bryn Imms Williams & Joshua Dorkin from Granta School and Natasha Kent & Megan Webb from Cambourne Village College,
These three pairs will now join together and form a team along with some of the other top scoring pairs to go forward and compete as a South Cambs representative team at the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough School Games Summer Festival on 28th June, we wish them the best of luck!
Partnership Manager, Claire McDonnell said, “It was great to see so many youngsters taking part in this event, we had a record number of entries this year and it was nice to see some schools taking part for the first time. It’s important we provide opportunities for all young people to take part in physical activity and sport so that they can experience the enjoyment and benefits it can bring and this event certainly helped to do that.”