Sport goes Platinum at Harston & Newton

Harston & Newton Primary School is one of just 104 across the country to gain a School Games Mark platinum award.
The government-led awards scheme, which was launched in 2012, recognises schools for their commitment to the development of Physical Education and sport across their school and into the community. Usually there are three levels of award bronze, silver and gold and Harston & Newton had achieved five successive gold awards up until this year when the Platinum Award was launched.
The Platinum Award rewards schools who have maintained consistently high standards with their school sport provision. To achieve the award a school must meet a certain set of criteria, which includes engaging a high percentage of young people in both curricular and extracurricular activities, participating in a minimum number of competitions across different sports, reaching out to target groups including young leaders, volunteers, and those previously identified as the school’s least-active pupils as well as forming strong partnerships with community groups.
Ali Oliver, Chief Executive of the Youth Sport Trust, said: “We are pleased to introduce the new Platinum Award this year to give these exemplary schools the recognition which they deserve. We are extremely proud of all our award winners for the passion which they have shown towards the School Games and their dedication to providing opportunities for all young people to take part in competitive school sport.
“At a time when young people are becoming less healthy and less active, the School Games provides opportunities for millions across the country to participate in sport and reap the benefits of an active lifestyle both on and off the field. Schools like Harston & Newton are really leading the way.”