School Games Mark Criteria for 2016/2017 Academic Year

The School Games Mark is now in its 6th year and continues to reward schools and other educational establishments for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education.
The next School Games Mark application window will take place between Wednesday 31 May 2017 – Friday 28 July 2017 and will reward schools for the quality of their school sport provision during the 2016/17 academic year.
To enable schools to get a head start on preparations for their application you can view this year’s award criteria by clicking on the link below.
2016/2017 School Games Mark Criteria
New for 2016/17 is the Platinum award which is a new fourth level of the award. This is open to those schools that have achieved School Games Mark gold for the past four consecutive years and achieve gold this year too, details for this award are included in the link also.
In order to achieve any level of the School Games Mark, schools and educational establishments must meet a set of prerequisites. During the 2016/17 academic year, the applying school or educational institution for young people in years 3 to 13 must have:
- a system in place to track young people’s participation in the School Games;
- opportunities that attract less active young people to participate in physical activity;
- completed the Inclusive Health Check tool as accessed on your school’s dashboard on by the end of the summer term 2017;
- a positive approach to delivering physical activity.
- held or accessed a School Games Day as a culmination of a year round competition programme;
- registered a School Games Day date on your dashboard on;
- a calendar of competition that demonstrates opportunities for young people with SEND to take part in competitions;
- a notice board and/or in-house school digital system that promotes School Games activity and uses social media for the same purpose.
If you would like any support with completing the award for your school please get in touch with us, we would be pleased to help