Lots of fun, self-belief and passion had at Kurling competition

Over one hundred children took part in the South Cambs School Sports Partnership third annual New Age Kurling competition. Due to its popularity we had to put on two competitions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The event was hosted at Bassingbourn Village College and organised on the day by an excellent group of sports leaders from the college.
New Age Kurling is an exciting target game with teams playing a tactical game of position with the stones. Adapted from the original curling game played on ice the sport is play indoors on a smooth flat surface, such as a sports hall, making it perfect for able bodied and disabled people of all ages. This year we added three more challenging games for the children to play, they were skittles, moving stones and between the gates. This added to the excitement for the children.
The morning competition hosted 9 schools with 64 children and the afternoon competition had 7 schools with 52 children. Teams of 2 players from each School took part in the event which was played over 8 courts. Teams played in a round robin format and took on the other schools in their group for twenty minutes on each game then moved to the next game. Players took it in turns to push their stones along the ground towards the target which was either the skittles, between the gate, a stone or the middle of the target.
Although we scored the games to allow the children to see their personal improvements our winners were those teams that showed either self-belief or passion on the day. These achievements were scored by the sports leaders on each activity. The winners of the morning competition were Swavesey A team, Jeavons Wood B team, Cottenham C team and Guilden Morden D team. The winners of the afternoon competition were Steeple Morden A team, Histon Juniors B team, Bassingbourn C team and Harston and Newton D team. Each child was presented with a drawstring bag and a certificate.
The leaders from Bassingbourn Village College excelled themselves with a huge number of nominations for leader of the event. Leaders that were nominated by the primary school staff for being exceptional were Hugo, Joe, Millie, Lucy, Lizzie, Ollie, Amy, Charlotte, Joseph and Emily but the overall winner of leader of the event was Ellie-Rose who received the most nominations. Ellie-Rose was presented with a South Cambs SSP snood.