Getting the balance right

More than 200 four and five year olds in South Cambs have recently completed their Level 1 balancebility training award as part of a new programme being run by the Partnership.
Last term Jackie Field one of our Primary PE Specialists and a Balanceability Instructor delivered training at Haslingfield, Meridian and Swavesey primary schools with children in reception and Year 1 taking part in 6 x 30 minute lessons where they developed their balance and spatial awareness whilst learning to ride a bike without stabilisers.
The training was so successful that schools have now purchased their own balance bikes to use in lessons and active play.
This term training is taking place at Dry Drayton, Fen Drayton and Gamlingay First School with a further 84 children mastering their static and dynamic balance on bikes without pedals; enabling them to later transition to a pedal bike in a safe and enjoyable manner.
Beth Slater, Assistant Head and Recepton/Year 1 teacher at Gamlingay, said: “Balanceability has been a great success! The children have thoroughly enjoyed each session and in just a few weeks their confidence has grown and developed. Lots of them are now attempting to ride their bikes at home without stabilisers.
All primary schools will have the opportunity to access balanceability training from September 2016. Find out more about the programme here.