Dance Competition
7 January from 9:00 am - 28 March from 4:00 pm
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All of our events will follow our new event themes; For All, Targeted & Competitive. These themes have been designed to ensure we provide events to benefit all young people.
FOR ALL– These events are for everyone and are delivered in school. They focus on providing 60 active mins for every child whilst supporting their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
TARGETED– These events target specific groups of young people who would benefit the most from having positive experiences of sport, physical activity and competition. The activities and outcomes are designed to reflect the young people’s needs and motivations.
COMPETITIVE– These events are for pupils who are ready and prepared for competition and enjoy performing and competing against others. They provide the opportunity for competition in a positive and friendly environment where the focus is on enjoyment and supporting the wider development of young people as much as the outcome of the event itself.
This is a FOR ALL event open to all children but with the focus being to increase motivation and promote enjoyment for those least active children within your school.
Who for? – Open to all children, separate competitions for Key Stages 1 and 2.
When – Spring Term. Video entries to be submitted by 28th March 2025
Theme – Dancing through the Ages –This year’s theme aims to appeal to all ages and link to your dance curriculum or a topic you are studying in school. You could choose to focus on historical periods or events through the ages i.e Egyptians, Greeks, Victorians or World Wars or significant people/events (landing on the moon) OR music of the decades i.e. Charleston, lindy hop, jive, hip hop, disco, folk dancing.
Format & Criteria – Group performance – Groups can be of any size from 3-30 so small groups, large groups or a whole class. Can be boys, girls or mixed gender. Videos should be 1-3 minutes in length, any dance style and to any music, but linking to the theme of ‘Dancing through the Ages as outlined above.
How to enter – Video entries can be sent in at any time during the Spring Term (deadline 28th March 2025). Maximum 1 entry per key stage per school. It may be an idea to have an intra school competition and select your entries from this. Please Note: When submitting videos of pupils please ensure that your school photo/video consent policy is followed at all times. No videos submitted as entries into this competition will be shared publicly, they will only be viewed by the competition organisers and judges. If your videos are too large to email you can send them in for free via WeTransfer https://wetransfer.com/
PLEASE NOTE: When submitting videos of pupils please ensure that your school photo/video consent policy is followed at all times. No videos submitted as entries into this competition will be shared publicly. They will only be viewed by the competition organisers and judges. If your videos are too large to email you can send them in for free via WeTransfer, its very straightforward if you’ve not used it before https://wetransfer.com/
If you would like to take part in this event please book on below, we will send you further information and resources for the competition once we have received your booking.