Elsworth Non Traditional Sports Taster Day

We held our first non-traditional sports taster day at Elsworth Primary School on Monday 14th March. It was a beautiful sunny day with a real sense of spring in the air. In the morning we had the Key Stage 2 children all having a go at Archery, Tri Golf and New Age Kurling, all of these sports are Olympic or Paralympic sports tying in with the Rio Games this summer. They were all scored on their successes and each event was linked to the School Games Values with stickers being given out for Passion, Self Belief, Determination, Team Work, Respect and Honesty. In the afternoon we had the Key Stage 1 children who learnt to putt at golf and accurately send the Kurling stones down the hall to hit the targets, they were supported by the year 6 play leaders who did an amazing job of encouraging and helping the younger children.
Mrs Thomas the PE Coordinator at Elsworth said “The children absolutely loved it. My class were talking about it and I overheard them raving about it to their parents at home time” It was really great to see all the children trying new sports and learning new skills. They were all so enthusiastic about what they were doing. It was a great start to Elsworth’s Fit and Fabulous week. We have has great feedback from the staff and the children so if you would like to book a Non Traditional Sports Taster day for your school please email us.