Dance Celebration

The Celebration Dance was our second virtual competition for this term, we had a total of 10 schools entering with over 20 videos sent in to be judged. The theme of the competition was friendship and celebration and was aimed at all primary and secondary aged children.
Some schools ran their own intra school bubble competitions and then sent in their chosen entries to be judged. Dances had to be a maximum of 4 minutes long and some excellent footage was sent in to the South Cambs Schools Sports Partnership judging panel! We wanted all children to enjoy the dance competition and have a positive experience and we certainly felt this was the case watching through the videos.
“Thank you for organising this virtual Dance Competition, our whole school has thoroughly enjoyed this challenge. The 3 classes we picked to enter were very excited about receiving their certificates today.” Histon & Impington Junior School
“Thank you very much for this fantastic news, we are all so glad that the dance made you smile. The children and the class teacher are overjoyed with the result! Once again thank for organising these brilliant virtual competitions, our kids are really enjoying them and so am I!” Linton Heights Junior School

The winners from each School Sports Partnership area will be invited to perform at the opening ceremony of a ‘live’ Partnership competition this year and will also be judged by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough School Games Organising Committee to determine the County winners.
The Results of the SCSSP dance competition are:
Guilden Morden Primary School (Winners)
Bassingbourn Primary (Runners Up)
Linton Heights, Year 5 Class (Winners)
Histon & Impington Junior School, Group 3 (Runners Up)
Spirit of the Games Award – University of Cambridge Year 4 Nurture Group
Well done to everyone who took part! Everyone who joined in with the virtual event will have received a Participation Certificate already, and first place finishers in each age category will receive a Winners Certificate.