Confidence grows at Friendship Games

The South Cambs School Sports Partnership recently hosted a “Friendship Games” event at Melbourn Village College which involved Year 5/6 pupils from five of its feeder primary schools; Barrington, Fowlmere, Melbourn, Foxton & Meldreth
Around 50 children took part in the event, which was focused on supporting children’s transition to secondary school by helping them to develop new friendships and increase their confidence & motivation whilst also engaging new audiences in physical activity and sport.
During the afternoon children got to take part in a number of different activities which they might not have tried before these included archery, new age kurling, sport stacking, table tennis and dodgeball.
Sport leaders from Melbourn Village College led the activities and supported the children throughout, making sure they had a really fun packed afternoon.
Claire McDonnell, organiser of the event said “The focus was very much on providing a fun and enjoyable event for the children, giving them a chance to try out some new sports and activities and perhaps helping them to make some new friends whilst giving them confidence to try new things.”
One member of staff commented on how “the event was such a positive experience for all the children, it was great to see them all engaged in the activities, especially one child in particular who was really anxious about coming today.”
Another teacher commented, “What an amazing experience it was for all of the children involved. We had some really positive feedback from the children and the adults saw some of them grow in confidence throughout the afternoon and really enjoy taking part.”
Children commented on how it was a “nice opportunity to meet future classmates” and it was “just good to be here” or “the leaders were really nice” and “everyone was chatty and happy”.
A lot of the children also said how they felt more confident to try new things following the event and how they had started to make new friends and how they loved trying the different activities.