Children shine at multi-sport event

The partnerships annual Primary Adapted Multi Sport PLUS Competition took place on Wednesday 25th January with children from across the Cambridge & South Cambs School Sports Partnerships taking part.
The morning was full of activity and excitement with children competing in pairs as they rotated around four different sports: Polybat, Boccia, Table Cricket and New Age Kurling. For many of the children this was their first experience of representing their school and taking part in competitive sport so the event was very much about the children having an enjoyable experience and trying out some new sports, with an element of competition added in. Children played matches and scored points on each activity and these were added together to give each pair a total and determine the winners.
Over 70 children with additional needs, which could be physical, learning, sensory, or a combination of these took part in the event which was hosted by Impington Village College; a Lead Inclusion School for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. A team of sports leaders from the college helped to run the activities and score the matches which included pairs of children from Milton, Bassingbourn, Gretton, The Meadow and Histon & Impington Junior School.
After all of the activities had taken place the points were added up and the finishing positions announced with not much separating the top pairs. Congratulations to Leonard & Henry (Gretton School), Harry & Adam (Milton), Oliver & Benny (Histon Juniors) and Drew & Olivia (Histon Juniors) who were the top 4 South Cambs pairs on the day. They will now come together to compete as a team of 8 and represent South Cambs at the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough School Games Spring Festival on 23rd March, we wish them the best of luck!

Partnership Manager, Claire McDonnell said, “It was great to see so many children taking part in an event like this for the first time, the smiles on their faces said it all; it was a great morning of friendly competition. The sports leaders from Impington were exceptional, they did a fantastic job in ensuring the event ran smoothly. I must also thank Living Sport and Cambs Cricket for their support in enabling the event to run.”