Challenge accepted!

Over 50 Year 7 students from the four CAM Academy Trust secondary schools and some Year 6 pupils from Gamlingay Primary were pushed out of their comfort zones and challenged to master new skills with an ‘I can’ attitude as they took part in a day of BMX and scooter workshops at Comberton Village College.
The day was organised by the South Cambs School Sport Partnership and delivered by professional stunt scooter rider Terry Price and ex BMX world champion Mike Mullen. Students first listened to an inspirational talk from Mike Mullen where he spoke about how he got into BMXing and the challenges he faced and had to overcome as he learnt from his failures to master BMX riding and reach the top of his sport. Mike then impressed the students with a trick and stunt display before they were fitted with helmets and took part in separate BMX and scooter workshops. Learning to build confidence & challenge themselves to overcome difficulties throughout the sessions.
Despite many of them initially feeling nervous or scared by the end of the sessions the students all had beaming smiles across their faces as they learnt how to handle their fears and gained a real sense of achievement from persevering and stretching themselves to learn something new.
Pupils took some really key messages away from the day and commented the following when asked what made them feel good about themselves during the event or what they had learnt;
“I persevered and did most of the tricks”
“I learnt I can do more than I think”
“I can’t do it ‘yet’ but I will if I keep trying”
“Its important to get back up again and go again”
“Practice makes progress”
“I can overcome my fears”
“It made me feel good when I achieved the tricks”
The day ended with motivational story from Terry about how he began scooter riding and the number of challenges he faced along the way and how they were overcome then finishing off with a huge backflip!