Articles posted by "Julie Pashley"

Lots of fun, self-belief and passion had at Kurling competition
Over one hundred children took part in the South Cambs School Sports Partnership third annual New Age Kurling [...]Read more

Mud and Puddles Galore at the Small Schools Cross Country Competition
The main attraction of this year’s South Cambs School Sports Partnership Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 Small Schools [...]Read more

New Age Kurling a hit for a second year.
After the success of last year, South Cambs School Sports Partnership hosted its second New Age Kurling competition. The [...]Read more

Big Schools, Big Efforts.
After the disappointment of having to postpone this annual event due to the high winds on 29th November, we saw some [...]Read more

Big Numbers for Small Schools Cross Country
Smiles were in plentiful supply at Milton Country Park on Thursday morning as youngsters took part in the South Cambs [...]Read more

One Afternoon, Two Competitions
The fantastic facilities at Cambridge University Sports Ground on Wilberforce Road played host to the annual South Cambs [...]Read more

Small Schools Cross Country
Smiles were in plentiful supply at Milton Country Park on Tuesday morning as youngsters took part in the South Cambs [...]Read more

Swavesey Primary and Linton Heights take the trophies again
We were pleased that the sun came out for the South Cambs School Sports Partnerships Cross Country competition held at [...]Read more

Fun Training Play Leaders
Play Leaders training has once again proved popular with schools through the first half term with 160 children being [...]Read more

Applications Open for the 2017/18 County Young Coach Academy
We are pleased to announce the launch of this years new County Young Coach Academy (CYCA) for Cambridgeshire and [...]Read more