Year 4 Virtual Mini Olympics

Our Year 4 Mini Olympics event is one of the highlights of our year. It is a really busy day, but one that is so rewarding to be able to organise and run.
We are really disappointed to not be able to deliver it this year, it should have been taking place at the Cambridge University Sports Ground on Tuesday 16th June. We were expecting over 1500 children from 51 primary schools to take part in the fun sports and activities we had planned and had even received all of the t-shirts into our office just before the lockdown (you now can’t get into our office for all the boxes!!).
BUT…..we are pleased to able to share with you our first ever Year 4 VIRTUAL Mini Olympics which we hope the Year 4 children who were due to attend will get fully involved in, whether at home or in school. This will take place during the week of the 15th of June. We have created 5 physical challenges and 5 cross curricular challenges all linked to the Olympic/Paralympic Games for children to complete throughout the week plus some extra activities for them to carry out should they wish.
All of the challenges are explained within this PDF with what we are hope are clear, easy to follow instructions plus a video from one of our sports leaders to provide a visual demonstration of each physical challenge if needed. All of the activities can be done in school or from home in the garden or inside.
The Year 4 Mini Olympics is always about the taking part and striving to achieve your personal best, and finding some form of physical activity that children are interested and excited to be taking part in, there is no competitive element to it. We would like to see what the children get up to though, so if children want to send photos or videos of their physical challenges or cross curricular work into us by email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Alternatively, children may wish to send evidence of their work for the week in to their school using the school specific systems, we really do not mind how it is shared we would just like as many children as possible to get involved so that although we are apart we can come together during this week.
Although this event has been created for Year 4’s anyone can get involved, we’d love to see evidence of any parent’s/teacher’s taking part along with the children.
Please share with us how you have taken part using the hashtag #scminiolympics, we can be found as @SouthCambsSSP on Twitter, @SouthCambsSSP on Facebook or @southcambsSSP on Instagram.