Primary PE Specialists
Since September 2013 the School Sports Partnership has worked alongside Comberton Academy Trust in providing bespoke Physical Education support to local primary schools. Using Sport Premium Funding three PE specialists, with extensive experience of working in primary schools have been employed by the Partnership and, whilst managed and supported in terms of quality by the SSP, work for their allocated schools.
All of the schools involved in the Primary PE Specialist (PPES) programme have been unanimous in their praise of the collaborative support they have received and acknowledge improvements in the quality of their PE and sport provision.
“The sport premium funding supports improvements to the quality of physical education teaching. A well-qualified physical education teacher from Comberton Village College works with teachers to plan learning and teaches all aspects of the physical education curriculum alongside school staff. This is improving teachers’ knowledge, confidence and skills. Pupils’ awareness of healthy lifestyles and participation in inter-school competition is increasing.”
Cottenham Primary School OFSTED report March 2015
“Primary school sport funding is used well following a clear plan to increase opportunities for pupils and offer staff extra training.”
Hauxton Primary School OFSTED report December 2013
“Chloe has been amazing and worked incredibly hard with our PE co-ordinator and I feel in this way we have been able to have a real impact on PE provision. Chloe has also worked with staff and children across the school and all of the staff have been positive about the way Chloe has worked. Next year we are going to stop using coaches for any curriculum PE because of the impact the support has had.”
Judy Goldsmith, Headteacher
Our specialists are working in the following schools this year:
A Primary PE Specialist in your school will:
- Work alongside your Subject Leader to improve the provision and quality of PE and sport across the whole school including auditing and reviewing current provision, curriculum mapping and developing units of work
- Work directly with classroom teachers across all age groups to provide high quality, in-house professional development through observation and team teaching
- Ensure all staff become confident, effective deliverers of physical education
- Help you to develop a system to measure and report on progress/ impact against OFSTED criteria
- Offer flexible delivery specific to your individual school and teacher needs
- Develop intervention programmes and work with targeted groups of children to improve behaviour, increase self-esteem, raise aspirations or improve physical literacy
- Support the development of OSHL provision
- Provide a solid link between your school, other local schools and the School Sport Partnership to maximise all available opportunities, support and CPD
The impact of the PPES programme has been outstanding, as qualified by these testimonials:
“I now feel more confident to be able to structure a series of gymnastics lessons in a simple way but also in a way that provides the children with new challenges each week.”
Charlotte Malin, PE Coordinator
“It’s great to work with experts and learn from them, but also, to step back occasionally and have some time to observe the children and assess their progress.”
Vesna Angelic, Barton Primary School