Our children are facing a health crisis. Our modern sedentary lifestyle is having a significant impact on their physical activity levels, which in turn is affecting their physical, mental and social health.

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How much physical activity should pupils be doing?

The Chief Medical Officers (CMO) recommends that children and young people (5-18 years old) undertake the following physical activity each week for general health:

  • At least 60 mins of moderate intensity physical activity on average per day across the week (e.g. walking, cycling, scooting, playground activities, dancing)
  • Take part in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscles and bones (e.g. running, climbing, skipping with a rope, gymnastics, football, tennis, dance, press ups/sit ups or similar)
  • Reduce the time spent sitting or lying down and break up long periods of not moving with some activity. Aim to spread activity throughout the day (e.g. don’t sit for long periods in lessons)

Download the full CMO report on the amount and type of physical activity that people should do here


What are the benefits of physical activity

The Youth Sport Trust have compiled a Knowledge Bank which contains key statistics and evidence about young people and physical activity, play and sport. It is updated on a regular basis to make sure it contains the latest information.

The Knowledge Bank contains a number of key facts sheets on;Capture

  • Physical health benefits of sport and physical activity
  • Mental health benefits of sport and physical activity
  • School related benefits of physical activity
  • Challenges young people face
  • Cost of living
  • Girls participation
For more useful information visit the Youth Sport Trust Knowledge Bank



Key facts about physical activity levelsCapture

  • Widespread physical inactivity is a major economic burden to national health systems and to the economy worldwide.
  • Obesity is estimated to cost the UK £58 billion a year and mental health problems cost the UK economy at least £117.9 billion per year.
  • Childhood is the time to address this issue for future generations by nurturing a lifelong enjoyment and engagement in sport and physical activity

(PE & School Sport: The Annual report 2023)


FREE Creating an Active School workshop for Teaching Staff

We can visit schools and deliver a 1 hour twilight workshop to your teaching staff. By the end of the workshop staff should be able to:

  • advocate why high levels of physical activity across the school day lead to healthier and more effective learners
  • reflect on how effective their current provision is at promoting physical activity throughout the school day
  • know how to reduce sedentary behaviour and embed physical activity in their school
  • plan their journey to becoming an Active School
To book a Creating an Active school workshop for your teaching staff please get in touch.
More information on the workshop can be found here.

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